12/11/24 Meeting

Posted December 11, 2024 ‐ 1 min read


Congrats to the following individuals for their performance in last week's problemset:

  1. Lawrence Liu (7 problems solved)
  2. Aidan Bai (7 problems solved)
  3. Ethan Cai (6 problems solved)

The full scoreboard can be found here.


The slides we presented today can be found here.


This is our last meeting of 2024. You can work on this week's problemset over winter break, and we might add new problems to it in the future. We'll be awarding cows and jellies to the top performers. In addition, good luck on the USACO competition this weekend. Thank you all for the great semester. Good luck on your finals, enjoy your winter break, and we'll see you in 2025.