USACO 2023-24 Season Results

Posted March 28, 2024 ‐ 1 min read

With the results of the US Open being announced a few days ago, the 2023-24 USACO contest season has officially concluded. The results for the four contests this season can be found here.

In each contest, students are presented three challenging algorithmic tasks to be completed in four or five hours. Each contest is divided into four divisions according to difficulty: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Performing well in a division would qualify a student for a promotion into the next division.

Our club did very well this contest season, with many members achieving a promotion in one of the four contests. Congratulations to:

Lucas Hangold → plat
Stephen Zhugold → plat
Chloe Wangsilver → gold
Ethan Caisilver → gold
Hansen Hesilver → gold
Joseph Quansilver → gold
Kai Yisilver → gold
Lawrence Liusilver → gold
Dylan Kimbronze → silver
Ethan Songbronze → silver
Larry Wubronze → silver